Original text too short. It is almost 2022 and Pokémon Go is ringing in the year with a new loading screen. Today early, Ni antic introduced a new loading screen at Pokémon GO to match your New Year event. The event shows a coach watching fireworks next to several Pokémon, including Grow lithe, Haiku, Hoot hoot and several others. The new loading screen also insinuated the arrival of the first new Pokémon. Pokémon GO EN 2022 — HALOPHILE AND FLUB EBE. Both new Pokémon can be seen on the loading screen, with several flabby appearing at the bottom of the screen, while Heliopolis is just to the left of Grow lithe. You can check the full load screen below: Both Helicity and Flabby are Native Pokémon from the Kilos region that appeared for the first time at Pokémon X and Y. HALOPHILE is an electric / normal Pokemon that evolves Helios with the use of a solar stone, while Flabby is a Fairy-type Pokémon that eventually evolves to the powerful Pokémon Forages of fairy type. If Forages re...