A slight addition to Minecraft was the candle in 1.17. Many people may wonder what candles are in Minecraft when they hear that. Candles came with the first part of the Caves and Cliffs updates, but may be overlooked when we waited for Caves and Cliffs Part 2. They seem to be a decorative light source, similar to Glow stone and other different lamps in the game. However, you have a few interesting tricks to pick you up from the others. In this manual, you will learn how to make your own candles and what you can do with it.
What are candles
In Minecraft, candles are one of many light source alternatives. The reason why candles differ from other light sources, is not only, but also in the functionality. You can change the color of the candles to adapt them to their aesthetics. Several candles can also be placed close to each other to increase the amount of light they deliver. Candles must be lit with flint and steel and can be deleted by right-clicking or covering with water. Candles do not break when they are covered with water, but they can not be lit until they are revealed.
A single candle can also be placed on a cake to transform it into a candle cake. On a pie, only one candle may stand. The candle can have any color and must be lit with the same methods that use other candles. When the cake is eaten or destroyed, the candle falls on the floor.
How to make candles
To produce candles in Minecraft, you have to harvest beeswax and kill some spiders. You need a single honeycomb and a single string per candle. You can get a honeycomb by using scissors on a hive or bee nest that is full of honey. Furthermore, you can see when one is full because honey is dripping out on the sides. Make sure that you have a campfire under the hive or the nest when you Swiss with it, otherwise you will be attacked by bees. You can also use a donor with scissors to harvest the honeycombs from the bees without making them angry.
As soon as a candle is made, you can change the color of the wax in the candle. You can do this by putting the candle and a dye in any color on a cresting table. This makes the light that outputs the candle does not change and candles in different colors do not seem to be put together. If you have further questions about the contents of the Caves and Cliffs updates, read our other guides.
Minecraft is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.
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