Discover new worlds that demonstrate the power of raytracing. It s time to go in the range of further minecraft. For those who have GPUs with rayTracing support, Mojang has the Minecraft RTX Open Beta. Currently available on Windows 10, the beta can be accessed as a special branch of Rundgestein execution. Take a look at the trailer below to see how the game looks like. The beta contains six different worlds that properly represent the performance of raytracing and physically based rendering. Of course, you need an Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 8 GB or more RAM and at least one GeForce RTX 2060 to perform it. Registrations are also required via the Xbox Insider program. In addition, multiplayer is only possible with those who have the open beta of RTX. Overall, it is a pretty big leap forward for the game and shows the power of raytracing via triple-a-releases with a big budget with the latest graphics. The time will show when it is available for all. So stay up to date. Marke...